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Canada - Ί Ί Call: The Shadow Lands BBS (604)261-6144 300/1200/2400 N,8,1 Ί Ί 1:153/769@fidonet 25:4604/171@SIGnet 13:100/3@ShadNet 77:888/1@Ersii Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ The following is a list of programs avaialbe from The Shadow Lands BBS. For information on obtaining any of the following programs please refer to the bottom of this file. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Profile Door °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 1.03 Date of Last Release: 12/09/91 Aprox. Size of Archive: 74 Kb Name of Archive: PRO_103.ARJ Written By: J. Hargrave, E. Karsai Shareware Cost: $3.00 or $5.00 Magic Name: PROFILE Profile door is an information door that will run with most BBS programs that create DORINFO1.DEF. This door will allow users to answer various questions, defined by the SysOp, and view other users answers. It is useful for creating a "Registry" of your users. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Inter-Stellar Annihilation (I.S.A.) °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 0.04 Date of Last Release: 04/23/92 Aprox. Size of Archive: 203 Kb Name of Archive: ISA_004.ARJ Written By: J. Hargrave, E. Karsai Shareware Cost: $10.00 Magic Name: ISA Welcome to the next generation of online games: Multi-BBS. Attack, send messages and work with people from other BBS's when coupled with a Fido compatable mailer. This online game will provide your users with a unique opertunity to play online games with more people then ever before. (The game may also be played non-multi BBS.) ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Change DorInfo1.Def °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 1.3 Date of Last Release: 11/15/91 Aprox. Size of Archive: 9 Kb Name of Archive: CHGDOR13.ZIP Written By: Eddie Karsai Shareware Cost: $5.00 Magic Name: CHGDOR This utility will allow you to change most of the information your BBS program sends to external programs through the DORINFO1.DEF file. Options you can change with this utility include: Sysop Name, BBS name, User Name, Time left, and the users avatar setting. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Message Checker °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 1.0 Date of Last Release: 12/19/91 Aprox. Size of Archive: 14 Kb Name of Archive: MSGCHK10.ARJ Written By: James Hargrave Shareware Cost: FreeWare Magic Name: MSGCHK Do you hate having to log onto your BBS just to see if you have any waiting mail? Install Message Checker and you won't have to. Message checker will scan your Hudson Message Base for unrecived mail to configurable name(s) and beep if it finds any. When you hear the beep then you know you have mail to read. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Auto-Attach °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 1.01 Date of Last Release: 03/08/92 Aprox. Size of Archive: 18Kb Name of Archive: AATCH101.ARJ Written By: James Hargrave Pay by Donation Magic Name: AATTACH Auto-Attach is a utility to be used with any Fido compatable mailer (eg. Front Door), it will automattically send out file attaches. It is ideal for nodelist distribution, features include: Configurable status for every node (eg. Hold, Crash, Immedate or Normal), Auto-Attach can optionally change the extension on your files to the current day of the year (eg. Nodelist.ZIP --> Nodelist.Z53), a configurable message can be sent along with the file attach, and more. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Check Dupe °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 0.01 Date of Last Release: 10/31/91 Aprox. Size of Archive: 9 Kb Name of Archive: CHKDP001.ZIP Written By: Eddie Karsai FreeWare Magic Name: CHECKDUP This is a simple utility that simply checks the USERS.BBS file for duplicate entries. It writes a list of duplicate phone numbers into a text file. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Sleeper °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 1.00 Date of Last Release: 02/10/92 Aprox. Size of Archive: 9 Kb Name of Archive: SLP_100.ARJ Written By: Eddie Karsai FreeWare Magic Name: SLEEPER This utility simply sits around waiting until the time specified on the command line. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Add Alias °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 1.00 Date of Last Release: 12/12/91 Aprox. Size of Archive: 10 Kb Name of Archive: AA_100.ARJ Written By: Eddie Karsai Pay by donation. Magic Name: ADDALIAS This is a utility for SuperBBS. This utility exchanges a users real name in the Dorinfo1.Def file for their alias as configured in the BBS. It does this by searching through the SUSERS.BBS file. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° Yt-Fun °±²ΫΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Current Version : 0.01 Date of Last Release: 04/18/91 Aprox. Size of Archive: 7 Kb Name of Archive: YTFUN001.ZIP Written By: James Hargrave FreeWare Magic Name: YTFUN YT-Fun is a little utility used to spice up your Yankee Trader News Paper by adding random comments to it. It should work with YT v2.8 to v3.1. ΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ Comments: If you wish to contact the above authors please refer to the address and number given below. If you would like to obtain any of these software packages, please send a $3.00 shipping and handling fee, along with the fee for the software package you wish to purchase (if you just wish to recieve an unregistered version send only the $3.00 shipping and handling fee). Include your name, address, phone number, BBS name and number, disk drive size, and the name(s) of the programs you would like to obtain in your letter. We will then send you the latest version of the program. You can get these files from: The Shadow Lands BBS (604)261-6144 Vancouver, BC Canada 300/1200/2400 N,8,1 or FReq from The Shadow Lands BBS (use magic names to make sure you get the latest version): 1:153/769@fidonet.org 25:4604/171@SIGnet 132:732/9@TransNet 77:888/1@ERSII 13:100/3@ShadNET 51:1604/103@MyNet 125:200/505@CRAS-Net 102:582/4@InterSports 16:200/3@TradeNet or write to: The Shadow Lands BBS c/o James Hargrave 5589 Balaclava St. Vancouver BC V6N 1K9 Canada Cheques or Money Orders in Canadian will be accepeted. Please make all Cheques or Money Orders payable to: James Hargrave. If you cannot send Cheques or Money Orders in Canadian funds, please send Cheques or Money Orders in US funds. ΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ Other Distribution Sites: WildThing B.B.S. (604)986-8791 Vancouver, BC Canada 300/1200/2400/4800/9600/14,400 HST v42 v42bis N,8,1 1:153/759@FidoNet 10:604/116@Brigadoon 25:4604/160@SIGnet 69:3600/111@KinkNet 77:1910/703@LCRNet 89:683/106@IMEx 93:9600/0@PodsNet 200:5003/2@MetroNet - or - Home HARDware (!) BBS (604)948-0275 Tsawwassen, BC Canada 1200/2400/9600/14,400/16,800 HST v32bis v42bis N,8,1 FREQ's allowed: 03:30 - 00:45 PST/PDT 1:153/923@FidoNet 125:200/99@CRASnet 40:2401/105@iSIG 102:582/9@InterSports 25:4604/198@SIGnet - or - Uncle Spike's Place (815)633-1558 Machesney Park, IL USA 1200/2400/9600/14,400 HST V32bis V42bis N,8,1 1:2210/558@FidoNet - or - Jeff's Bored! (815)229-3209 Rockford, IL USA 1200/2400/9600 V32 V42bis N,8,1 1:2210/209@FidoNet NOTE: Remember use magic names when doing FReq's from the systems listed above to ensure that you get the latest version of the software you want. END OF FILE.